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Report - Table of contents:

Why isn't my report converted correctly?

There might be several reasons for your conversion problems.
Keep this in mind: have a look at the preview, where you can see errors at once.

Errors could occur because:

Which servers are supported?

Currently we support all German, Swiss and English servers that have X|Y coordinates.
If you have a con:sec:sub coordinates report, you can help us adding support for them, by submitting them in the form below!

Which browsers are suppored?

Basically all browsers should manage the formatting process. Only during the copying and pasting some browsers behave irregular - most of them are supported though.

We've testet the tool with these browsers:

Can I use the attacker / defender images without a report?

Yes, thats quite simple.

Here's the explanation. Every immage address starts with:«values»

The unit count is taken from the first 9-12 values.
To display loss add another 9-12 values.
All values have to be seperated by an underscore (_)

Now, why 9-12 values?
Different servers have different units. There are units like rangers and paldins. Those should'nt be displayed always.

Without rangers and paladin (9 values):
Example for 9 values

With 10 values (without rangers):
Example with 10 values

With 11 values (only the paladin is missing):
Example with 11 values

With 12 values and all units:
Example with 12 values

That means for 2 x 12 values:
Example for 12 values and loss

This means e.g. for an image address with 12 units:

Demonstration: How a report is made ready for the forum

A demonstration will be added here soon.

Report a bug